How I met Him

I first saw Samuel during my national service on KNUST campus in the Chemical Laboratory. I didn't make much of him at first to be honest (no love at first sight situation lol). I heard that he was looking to do a project with the department and I was one of the TAs on the project. I was super busy at the time but who wants to miss a chance to add to their academic and professional experience. After the project was introduced, he used to come by the lab every now and then (monthly I think). Then we exchanged numbers and started to talk. All this while I had another love interest, so I was only speaking with Samuel as a friend. Getting to know him was interesting. He always seemed to have an advice or good counsel. Not long after I realised that we had common friends and it made me more comfortable to know that he is closer to home than I thought. For some reason my love interest at the time could not go on any further and I became a free person; emotionally available for my next relationship. National service was over and I moved back to Accra. We still used to chat but I didn't mention that my other relationship had ended even though I was beginning to enjoy our conversations. I found myself missing him when we were not talking and feeling excited when we did. It was almost time for me to travel for my masters in the UK and I wanted to be sure where our friendship was leading

I spoke to one of our common friend, Fidaus, to know if he was available or had mentioned me in anyway. I also admitted to her that I had a crush on him and would like to explore it. Call me traditional, but one of the things I looked out for before getting into a relationship was for the man to see my biological parents and my spiritual parents to make his intentions known. Most of the young men failed to pass this test but when you commit your desires to the Lord, He gives you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:5). Even after I had travelled to the UK, Samuel went to visit my spiritual parents Rev Kojo Koranteng Baidoo and Lady Pastor Valeria Baidoo, as well as my biological parents, Rev Michael Ofosu-Yeboah and Mrs Rita Ofosu -Yeboah. He took them as their own parents and till today still visits them in my absence. We started our relationship in November of 2021 and 2 and half years down the line of long distance relationship, we are getting married today. I can only be grateful to God for choosing for me an amazing life partner. I always say to myself, "Samuel is God's choice for me". PS: Whether the project he initiated with the chemical lab was really a chemical experimental project, I think only he can tell you

How I met Her

It was her birthday and two of my friends, Mel and Fiddy, posted Stephanie. That was in December 2020. Both Fiddy and Mel described her as wise, ambitious, entrepreneurial, and a deep lover of God and the ministry. On top of that, she wore a majestic, magical smile, and her beauty was surreal. At that point I disagreed with King Solomon's suggestion that beauty is fleeting because SOY's beauty was divine, flowing from her soul. I decided to enquire. Both of them tagged her as Dr. SOY, so in my mind, I was making a move for a doctor of some sort. I later learned she was a chemical engineer, and SOY was no beans, but Stephanie Ofosu-Yeboah. Fiddy gave me Dr. SOY's number but told me to forget about any chance of getting to date her lol. In her words, "Over 207 guys in the queue", and in truth I believed Dr Soy was out of my league, but I was happy to shoot for the best. Once Fiddy handed me the number, I reached out to Mel to help me scheme and plot the conquest. The first W was that Dr. SOY saved my number so I could see her status updates. I screenshot every single one that had her picture in it. So, I came up with a research project at the time, and since she was a Teaching Assistant, I made sure the project lead added her to the team. Once she confirmed her place in the team, the agenda was set in motion. In truth, I couldn't wait for our first project meeting, and on 29th January 2021, I saw the girl of my dreams for the first time.

We forged a good friendship during the project. I always looked forward to meeting in Kumasi when I had time away from work. In April, I got my only L when I learned that SOY was seeing someone, which was quite heartbreaking. I decided to pursue a genuine friendship with her, as I found her an interesting conversationalist. Even after the project ended, I still went to Kumasi periodically and met her someway somehow. On a hot afternoon in July 2021, Fiddy called me to tell me SOY was no longer seeing the gentleman I knew about, and that I could shoot my shot. I had gotten comfortable with SOY being my friend and wasn't looking to take it any further. After about two months of consistent communication, late-night calls, and mini-outings, I knew I didn't want to go anywhere else. I must say I ghosted a couple of times we were supposed to meet, but that wouldn't change anything for SOY. And just when things were clicking into gear, she shared her "good news" of her departure to the UK for school. I met her parents the weekend before the departure, and her parents in the Lord a month later. We officially started dating in November 2021, with the proposal done on Zoom (I know right!!). But here we are!!!! After two and half years of countless video calls, virtual dates, click-to-join movie nights, etc., we're ready for forever.